The Paleo Diet & Eczema

The Paleo Diet & Eczema

Posted by Kelly Northey on 17th Dec 2013

If you’re a fan of natural health, chances are you’ve heard of the paleo diet. This diet has fans among people who are trying to lose fat, gain muscle, and even heal a variety of diseases – and eczema may be no different. The paleo diet is based on what we think our ancient ancestors ate before the advent of processed foods. This diet is all about getting back to the simplest forms of nourishing food possible with a focus on meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, roots, and some nuts. It’s often referred to as the ‘caveman diet’ because these foods are often what was most accessible to our ancient forbearers. So, how can the diet enjoyed by the Paleolithic people help those of us in the modern day who might be suffering from eczema?

The answer is in the inflammation cycle. While eczema is primarily an immune reaction, it’s often the inflammatory response of the immune system that actually causes the most amount of trouble. When an eczema flare up happens and the immune system kicks into high gear, inflammation happens at the site to help protect, nourish, and cleanse the affected area. The issue is that if this inflammation isn’t ended soon, it can start an immunity and inflammatory response cycle that simply makes things worse.

The Paleolithic diet is based on foods that are believed to prevent or even stop inflammation in the body – one of the reasons why so many people with various inflammatory diseases swear by it. Many of our modern food choices actually aggravate the inflammatory cycle in the body which could lead to more flare ups and less healing. A diet that’s low in these foods and high in foods that are believe to help the body stop inflammation could be a direct help to eczema.


While the paleo diet is a great resource for many people, it can be difficult to get children who are often finicky eaters, to comply to a mostly meat and veggie diet. The good news is that the paleo diet can be used at times when lots of flare ups are happening or when a child seems to be triggered by things like food allergies or seasonal allergies. Unlike other diets, the Paleolithic diet can start helping the body immediately since the foods we eat go to work right away and there are now growing number or blogs and paleo recipe sites focusing on paleo friendly ideas for the whole family!

While eating like a caveman may seem like a daunting change for many parents who have children with eczema, it could be a great go-to resource if you do think your child’s eczema seems food related especially wheat and processed foods ad is a good guide on what foods to include more heavily when possible.

There is also a version of the paleo diet called the autoimmune paleo diet which we will discuss in more details in our next blog post!

Have you experimented with the paleo diet or other diets to help with your child’s eczema? Share yout experiences with us in the comments below and we’d also love to know your favourite paleo sites, blogs or Facebook pages!