Photo Aggravated Eczema – Join Us To Support Bethany

Photo Aggravated Eczema – Join Us To Support Bethany

Posted by Kelly Northey on 8th Dec 2012

Photo Aggravated Eczema is triggered by an allergy to sun or heat. This type of eczema is unimaginable to us here in Australia's particularly hot climate and so when we heard about the struggles of 3 year old Bethany in the UK who has suffered this particular type of eczema her entire short life we wanted to help, especially when we heard she now requires some specialist and very expensive full body eczema garments on top of her existing ongoing specialist medical needs, supplies, medications and creams.

We met Bethany's Mother Amy through her Facebook page and recently launched website called "Support & Understanding for Bethany", where she has been sharing the ups and downs of her condition since Bethany was diagnosed.

So to help in whatever small way we can, throughout January & February, we're following the lead of our friends friends in the US at ScratchMeNots and for every sale made at Bamboo Bubby, we are donating $1 towards helping Bethany's family towards her daily eczema needs and to help raise further awareness of her condition.

We will also be auctioning one of our Day/Night Duo packs in late January with funds raised also going to support Bethany's ongoing healthcare. The Day/Night Duo will have your baby's scratching covered day and night by containing 1x ScratchMeNot flip mitten sleeve and 1x Bamboo Bubby Bag.

We'll be sharing some of Bethany's stories regularly over the next couple of months too, but please head over to the Support & Understanding for Bethany Facebook page, say 'Hi' and show some support in that way too, it all means so much and helps more than you'll probably ever know!

Note from Amy:

Hello, my name is Amy. I have a daughter named Bethany who is 3 years old. She has a condition called photo aggravated eczema. The condition means that my daughter is allergic to sunlight and UV rays. It burns her skin, makes her very itchy, blotchy, and rashy; it makes her tear her skin apart as it itches terribly. My daughter is also allergic to heat, which causes the same reactions. My daughter suffers on a day to day basis with her skin condition, therefore I am trying to raise awareness. Many people judge her for the way she looks. We have had some very horrible comments made and not many people have heard or understand her condition. This, along with her daily battle, is why I am raising awareness for Photo Aggravated Eczema.

-Amy (Bethany’s mum)

For further information about Bethany and her family, check out the Support and Understanding for Bethany Facebook page and their website,”Support and Understanding Photo Aggravated Eczema“.