How Hazelwood Necklaces Help Eczema

How Hazelwood Necklaces Help Eczema

Posted by Kelly Northey on 22nd Oct 2013

Chances are you’ve heard by now the importance of having a balanced pH in order to live in optimal health. When it comes to eczema, we often forget that it’s what’s underneath the skin that really causes the problem – and pH can play a huge role in what happens on the surface of the skin.

Many children find themselves in a state of acidity due to a wide variety of reason, and this acidity upsets their naturally healthy pH balance and can lead to a whole host of issues. Acid reflex, eczema, infections, mood issues, and poor digestion are just a few of the ways that a lack of alkalinity can cause problems. The good news is that there are several ways to help the body release excess acidity so that it can get back to its strong and protected balanced state – and hazelwood necklaces are one of the ways this can happen.

Within the eczema community, hazelwood has become a champion of support. The wood from the beautiful hazelwood plant has the ability to absorb acidity from the skin so that your child’s body can get itself back to a healthy pH state. The wood of the hazelwood plant is soft and smooth once carved, and it feels nice against soft skin. As the wood rests on your child’s skin, it gets to work literally pulling out acidity from the system and locking it away within its fibers.

Since eczema is aggravated by acidity in the body, many people see a drastic reduction in eczema flare ups within just a few weeks of daily hazelwood wearing. As the wood absorbs and helps the body balance pH, the things that an acidic environment causes start going away. According to industry experts as many as 70% of all parents who use hazelwood necklaces or teething beads for their children see positive results within a few weeks of use.

Due to the popularity of hazelwood as an eczema treatment, you can find it in just about any form and style you can imagine. Many online shops like My Natural Bliss here in Australia ( HazelAid in the US ( create hazelwood necklaces that have safety release clasps so that your child can wear theirs all the time without fear of choking. You can also find oversized hazelwood teething rings that can be sucked and chewed on by your baby to help curb acidity – a real blessing for any parent who has a child with acid reflux!

If you haven’t tried hazelwood, it’s definitely worth a shot. Many parents swear by their wood necklaces and teething rings and feel that they give added support that really helps.

If you have used hazelwood for your children’s eczema, we’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below!