Leaky Gut And Its Link To Eczema

Leaky Gut And Its Link To Eczema

Posted by Kelly Northey on 27th Feb 2014

Leaky gut syndrome, also called intestinal permeability, has been all over the news lately, and it’s something that many people who are interested in natural health and healing have been researching and talking about. Leaky gut syndrome happens when the delicate walls of our digestive tract allow materials to pass into our blood streams that simply should not. This can be anything as simple as proteins that haven’t been fully digested to bacteria and germs. Leaky gut syndrome causes a great deal of problems because it introduces materials into our bodies that we may not be equipped to deal with. Just like when we’re exposed to a germ, pathogen, virus, or other illness, our bodies have to kick into high gear and put up a fight. The issue with leaky gut is that it creates a consistent, unending stream of challenging elements that get into the blood – something the body can have a really hard time dealing with.

When it comes to eczema, leaky gut can be both a trigger and something that prevents the body from healing as quickly and as fully as it should. Since leaky gut taxes the immune system, it may be hard for the body to react properly to eczema triggers, or to get to work healing flare ups when they happen.

Since eczema is an immune issue that also has a connection to inflammation, digestive health is essential. Making sure that the entire digestive is healthy and strong is an important step in helping the body stay balance and protected from eczema, allergies, and lots of other issues as well.

While there’s no one cure for leaky gut, there are some things that people who suffer from it find to be extremely helpful…

  • Cut out foods that aggravate the gut. Stay away from refined and processed foods, and choose light, healthy foods as often as possible.
  •  Make sure that you get enough probiotics to support a healthy digestive system.
  • Choose foods that have been fermented or cultured to help heal and strengthen the digestive tract.
  • Work with a professional to get personalized advice on how to do the best for your gut.

If you suspect that your child is dealing with leaky gut syndrome as part of their eczema issue, you may be seeing other symptoms arise such as…

  • Food allergies and sensitivities
  • Bloating and cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains
  • Digestive issues
  • Weight gain
  •  Skin issues like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea

These symptoms have all cropped up in people who are dealing with leaky gut syndrome, so if your child experiences several of them it may be time to talk with their doctor.

Have you treated leaky gut syndrome successfully? Share your story with us in the comments below!