​3 Ways Lemon Balm Helps Soothe & Heal Your Child

​3 Ways Lemon Balm Helps Soothe & Heal Your Child

Posted by Kelly Northey on 23rd Mar 2014

If your child deals with eczema or allergies, chances are you already know about just how much stress, agitation, and sleepless nights can make things worse. Stress and anxiety can diminish the immune system and cause eczema flare ups to happen more often and with greater intensity. Lack of sleep can also influence the immune system in a negative way. Many parents are surprised to find out that treating the issues of stress and insomnia can actually play a huge role in the overall health of a child and how well their body can fight and heal eczema issues.

Lemon Balm for eczema

To help your child find their calm rest, we’ll be exploring one of the most famous relaxing herbs in the world – Lemon Balm. This herb is known to be extremely gentle, and it’s been a favorite among parents for many years. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a sweet, light herb that can be used in a variety of ways – and we’re sure you’ll love the many benefits it offers!

3 Benefits Of Lemon Balm

Here are 3 of our favorite reasons to use lemon balm…

1 – Naturally Calm

Lemon balm is a natural nervine and relaxant. It helps calm the nerves, soothe the mind, and relax the body without any negative side effects. Like chamomile and lavender, it’s a gentle herb that even small bodies can handle well. Lemon balm can help with everything from stress and worry to excited nerves, moodiness, and restlessness.

2 – Good Sleep

Using lemon balm is a wonderful way to help restless kids drift off and get the healing sleep they need. It gently relaxes the body and calms the mind while allowing kids (and adults) to get the sleep they need every night. Unlike many over the counter drugs, lemon balm is not habit forming and doesn’t leave you groggy in the morning.

3 – Feeling Great

Lemon balm has been used to help with anxiety and mood for a very long time. For kids who struggle with agitation or discomfort from itching or flare ups, it can be a real help. Lemon balm can increase feelings of wellness and joy while soothing the nerves and the body at the same time. It’s a versatile, gentle, and effective natural herbal remedy that many parents love.

How To Use Lemon Balm

There are several ways that you can get the healing properties of lemon balm to your children.

  • Herbal tea – lemon balm is naturally sweet, and it makes a wonderful iced tea drink!
  • Herb added to bath in sachets
  • Essential oil used in baths, rubs, and diffusers

Extracts or tinctures taken orally as advised by a professional

Since lemon balm is a great tasting herb, it’s usually pretty easy to get kids to enjoy it and benefit from its many wonderful healing properties and there are products like our Melissa Oil containing it mixed with grapeseed oil making it a soothing rub that can be applied directly on the skin to both soothe eczema and help encourage a goodnight sleep!